By Cypress Semiconductor Corp 377
Cypress' cutting-edge sensing technologies have enabled them to be an industry leader in capacitive- and inductive-sensing applications. With CapSense capacitive-sensing and MagSense inductive-sensing, Cypress provides sensing solutions that "just work" and deliver the robustness and intelligence that consumer, industrial, automotive, and Internet of Things (IoT) applications need for current and future applications.
CapSense capacitive-sensing can be used for applications that require touch buttons, sliders, wheels, trackpads, and touchscreens. Capacitive touch sensing technology measure changes in the capacitance between a plate (the sensor) and its environment to detect the presence of a finger on or near a touch surface. Cypress’ CapSense enables features such as proximity sensing, hover and glove touch, liquid tolerance, and liquid-level sensing. In addition, CapSense provides an intelligent SmartSense® algorithm that compensates for environmental and manufacturing variations.
Inductive-sensing is a low-cost, robust solution that seamlessly integrates with existing user interfaces, and is also used to detect the presence of metallic or conductive objects. Applications that require detection through high-quality metal overlays, water-proofing, rotary and linear encoder functionality, and proximity sensing can be designed using inductive sensing with Cypress’ MagSense technology.