Touch-Sensing Technologies

By Cypress Semiconductor Corp 377

Touch-Sensing Technologies

Cypress' cutting-edge sensing technologies have enabled them to be an industry leader in capacitive- and inductive-sensing applications. With CapSense capacitive-sensing and MagSense inductive-sensing, Cypress provides sensing solutions that "just work" and deliver the robustness and intelligence that consumer, industrial, automotive, and Internet of Things (IoT) applications need for current and future applications.

CapSense: Capacitive Sensing Technology

CapSense capacitive-sensing can be used for applications that require touch buttons, sliders, wheels, trackpads, and touchscreens. Capacitive touch sensing technology measure changes in the capacitance between a plate (the sensor) and its environment to detect the presence of a finger on or near a touch surface. Cypress’ CapSense enables features such as proximity sensing, hover and glove touch, liquid tolerance, and liquid-level sensing. In addition, CapSense provides an intelligent SmartSense® algorithm that compensates for environmental and manufacturing variations.

MagSense: Inductive-Sensing Technology

Inductive-sensing is a low-cost, robust solution that seamlessly integrates with existing user interfaces, and is also used to detect the presence of metallic or conductive objects. Applications that require detection through high-quality metal overlays, water-proofing, rotary and linear encoder functionality, and proximity sensing can be designed using inductive sensing with Cypress’ MagSense technology.

Cypress Sensing Technologies resources
  • AN85951 – PsoC® 4 and PSoC 6 MCU CapSense® Design Guide
  • AN64846 - Getting Started with CapSense
  • AN210998 - PSoC 4 Low-Power CapSense Design
  • PSoC 4 CapSense Tuning Guide
  • AN202478 - PSoC 4 - Capacitive Liquid-Level Sensing
  • AN92239 - Proximity Sensing with CapSense
  • AN64846 - Getting Started with CapSense
  • AN219207 - Inductive Sensing Design Guide


  • Using the CMSIS DSP Library in a ModusToolbox Project
  • Sampling Audio at 44.1 kHz with the CY8CPROTO-062-4343W Board

