Silicon Carbide Transistor advantages include low switching losses, higher efficiency, high temperature operation and high short circuit withstand capability.
By GeneSiC Semiconductor 299
Features superior surge current capability, positive temperature coefficient of Vf, superior figure of merit Qc/If and much more.
By GeneSiC Semiconductor 284
GeneSiC is offering and continuously improving innovative Silicon Carbide power rectifiers for high voltage rating applications, with significant advantages.
By GeneSiC Semiconductor 250
Silicon Carbide Power Schottky Diode feature superior surge current capability and positive temperature coefficient of Vf.
By GeneSiC Semiconductor 193
MBR40044CT, 400 A Schottky diode features high surge capability and types up to 100 V VRRM.
By GeneSiC Semiconductor 303
MBR60040CT, 600 A silicon power schottky diode features high surge capability and types up to 100 V VRRM.
By GeneSiC Semiconductor 328
1N3214 features high surge capability and types up to 600 V VRRM.
By GeneSiC Semiconductor 329