By MacomTechnology Solutions 360
MACOM's MAAL-011129 is an easy-to-use three-stage low-noise amplifier with high gain and broadband 50 Ω match. It is designed for operation from 18 GHz to 31.5 GHz and housed in a lead-free 2 mm 8-lead PDFN plastic package. The MAAL-011129 has an integrated active bias circuit and bias tee to allow direct connection to VDD without external chokes or DC blocks. The bias current is set by a simple external resistor, RB, so the user can customize the power consumption. When VBIAS = 0 V, the device is placed in power down mode.
The MAAL-011129 offers a surface-mount, easy-to-use, low-noise amplifier solution that is well suited to diverse receiver applications such as VSAT, point-to-point, and 24 GHz ISM.