Pmod™ Peripheral Modules

By Digilent, Inc. 103

Pmod™ Peripheral Modules

Pmod™ is Digilent’s name for the line of over 80 peripheral modules offered to add extra functionality to both microcontrollers and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). This functionality includes audio amplifiers, GPS receivers, USB to UART interface, seven-segment displays, accelerometers, H-bridges with input feedback, analog-to-digital converters, and much more.

There are four main styles of communication that Pmods use to interact with their host: SPI, I2C, UART, and GPIO. All of the Pmod headers are designed with the standard 2.54 millimeter (0.1 inch) pitch between each of the pins, ensuring that Pmods with matching communication protocols can easily be swapped in and out true to their plug and play style.

All of the peripheral modules are powered by the host board through the power pin on the interface. The host will be able to power the Pmods at either 3.3 V or at 5 V power, depending on the requirements of the Pmod.

Pmod Monthly Ep. 1 - Introduction to Pmods
Pmod Monthly Ep. 2 - Communication Protocols
Pmod Monthly Ep. 3 - Four-Function Calculator
Pmod Monthly Ep. 4 - Plug-and-Play with LabVIEW
Pmod Monthly Ep. 5 - Simon Says

