IR Windows

By FLIR 148

IR Windows

The FLIR IRW series inspection windows allow for fast, efficient inspections of electrical gear by eliminating the need to remove panel covers or open electrical cabinets. IR Windows add a protective barrier between the customer and energized equipment to reduce the risk of arc flash. They also help keep users in compliance with NFPA 70E requirements and may allow them to reduce the amount of personal protective equipment (PPE) needed. The windows are easy to install and feature a permanent, hinged cover that flips open effortlessly, so there are no loose parts to drop, mix up, or lose. Choose from the standard anti-corrosion anodized aluminum frame, or if there are mixed-metal concerns opt for durable stainless steel. This helps prevent galvanic corrosion from contact between the stainless-steel cabinet and window frame.

  • Easy installation, PIRma-Lock™ reliability
    • Uses standard US punch tools for hole knockouts
    • Automatically grounds metal components
    • PIRma-Lock ring nut locks window tight inside the panel
  • Quick access hinged cover
    • Simple flip-open hatch secured with thumb screw releases
    • Permanently-hinged cover prevents dropping, mix-ups, and loss
    • Inside label for permanent identification
  • Broadband crystal IR window
    • Transmits short, mid, and longwave IR images
    • Supports visual inspections and fusion features
    • Allows laser pointers and illumination to shine through
  • Greater productivity and ROI
    • Cuts inspection time by requiring one person instead of three
    • Can reduce or eliminate the need for cumbersome PPE
    • Helps reduce the vast majority of arc flash triggers
  • Stainless steel line
    • Avoids contact between dissimilar metals
    • Increased resistance to corrosion
    • More durable for harsh or outdoor environments


  • Electrical inspections
  • Electrical monitoring

