PSE Approved Power Supplies and Adapters

By GlobTek, Inc. 285

PSE Approved Power Supplies and Adapters

GlobTek offers a wide range of standard and custom power supplies and adapters that comply with and are certified to meet Japan's PSE/DENAN regulations. DENAN is a mandatory national law administered by Japan's ministry of economy, trade, and industry (METI), formerly called the Electrical Appliance and Material Control Law (DENTORI). The PSE/DENAN approval is required for DC power supplies exported to Japan.

Category A products such as AC/DC power supplies are specified materials and require a diamond PSE mark for use in Japan. The products are either required to undergo third-party conformity assessment and obtain their certificate or obtain the equivalent of a certificate through the manufacturers of the specified electrical appliances.

The notifying supplier (importer) is responsible for ensuring that the product is tested in accordance with the requirements by a registered conformity assessment body (RCAB). A wide range of power supplies and adapters have been certified with PSE approval as Japan is a key export market for GlobTek customers.

